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About us

INGENI is a structural engineering company with a strong team of skilled professionals and extensive experience in the design and execution of structures and civil engineering projects.

The experience we have gained on major projects, our constant striving for excellence and our technical and creative prowess, have positioned INGENI as a lead player in the Swiss structural engineering industry.

Our values

Our approach to engineering is based on a deep knowledge that allows us to come up with solutions that are original, effective and adaptable to different contexts.
Our thorough understanding of materials, their mechanical properties, the language of forces and architectural form provides a logical, coherent foundation for our structural projects.

INGENI understands its responsibility to the art of building, and more specifically to the act of building, in this way transforming our environment.


A multidisciplinary team is exploring and developing new digital technology so that the free and complex forms of modern architecture can be expressed through a structural and constructive logic that is suited to the fundamental objectives of the engineer's art.
This R&D activity applies to a number of key projects, but the lessons we learn from this approach nourish and enrich all our projects, whatever their complexity.

INGENI is very aware of the history of civil engineering and the influence of technology on the evolution of architecture.


Gabriele Guscetti, Yves Tournier, Marco Bosso, Jérôme Pochat and Oscar Valeiras are the company's directors and main shareholders. They share a set of professional and ethical values and are committed to ensuring INGENI grows in a healthy, positive way.
The management of the offices in Geneva, Lausanne and Fribourg is shared with Alain Dubuis, Marc Walgenwitz, Lorenzo Lelli and Lionel Bussard. Our four director/shareholders ensure our business runs smoothly and maintain close ties with our partners.
Lorenzo Moresi and Francesco Snozzi, associates at the new office in Zurich, are bringing a new dimension to the group by making it a national player.